Friday, 14 March 2014

Story One - Shoes

Steven told me this story about a year after returning home.

When Steven tells a long story, he tells it in short sentences. He expects me to repeat back what he's just said before moving on to the next part of the story. That's how I've presented it here.

The court forbid naming places and people involved in the year in the Unit, so I've called the member of staff, Geoff.

Over to Steven:

"It was massive raining on Tuesday"

"Geoff threw Steven Neary's shoes in the garden"

"Steven Neary been to go in the garden to pick up his shoes"

"Geoff was laughing massive"

"Steven Neary's socks were all wet and muddy"

"Steven Neary had muddy socks all Tuesday till bathtime"

As Steven tried to escape so many times, the Unit took to locking Steven's shoes away in a cupboard in the hall. He had to ask whenever he wanted to put his shoes on.

I don't think there was any comeback for Geoff for this incident. There must have been other staff there who witnessed it but I don't think it was even reported.

You're a real man Geoff.

#107days     #justiceforLB

1 comment:

  1. Unfortunately, there are far too many 'Geoffs' employed in institutions like the one Steven was incarcerated in. These people get a 'kick' out of humiliating vulnerable persons in so called 'care'.
