There's a quiz element to today's post but you have to read to the end to find the quiz.
During and in the immediate aftermath of Steven's year in the Unit, the following cast of characters (stakeholders???!!!) were assigned to his "case":
1 social worker
1 social work manager
1 support planner
1 transition manager
1 Head of Services
1 Head of Residential services
1 Positive behaviour support manager
1 Deputy positive behaviour support manager
4 psychiatrists
1 keyworker
1 linkworker
2 psychologists
4 best interests assessors
1 Safeguarding lead for DoLs
6 Locum borough solicitors
3 speech and language therapists
1 Learning Disability Community nurse
2 Occupational therapists
approx 20 Unit support workers
1 Dietitian
And the commissioned agency on a 100% mark up
All because Steven was being held in an inappropriate place where he didn't want to be.
Quiz: What is the combined salary for the cast of stakeholders? And how might Steven's (and a lot of other people's) life had been enhanced if some of that money had gone directly to his care?
Cannot answer your question, which I presume rhetorical, but to my opinion, the 'cast' should be stake *receivers*, à la Buffy. Blood-suckers and life-draining vampires, all.