Wednesday, 9 April 2014

Story Twenty Six - A Good Relationship

Here's what Justice Peter Jackson had to say about the Unit manager's evidence in court:

  1. "The unit manager explained that the support unit is only one part of the overall service, which includes a day assessment service and an outreach service, which Steven has used. He spoke of having a good relationship and ongoing communication with Mr Neary. He described the need to be continuously aware of Steven, who is demanding to care for. He described the transitional plan, which was only terminated on 7 July. He accepted that Steven always wanted to be in Uxbridge with his father, although not all his statements are to be taken literally. He described Steven as having some good times at the support unit, with lots of fun and interaction with the staff.

    The manager accepted that there was no baseline for Steven's admission in 2010. There was no opening agreement and no formal best interests assessment. He explained the differences between the regime before and after April. He accepted that there was confusion about the direction of planning. Hillingdon was not sure what its plan was, and Mr Neary did not know what had been discussed. "
How could the manager say that he has a good relationship with me and good ongoing communication? He lied to me and Steven about the fake transition home plan for six months. We trusted that what he was telling us was the truth because we had no reason to believe otherwise. In that six months, I must have had dozens of conversations with him and not once did he tell me the truth about Hillingdon's real plans for Steven.

That's not the basis for a "good relationship and ongoing communication" to me.

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